Innovative Solutions for Water & Waste Water
+ Africa – Israel Building Co.- Water Supply System for Highway No.6 * Tiberius Water Municipality bureau – 20,000m – Water supply system for urban area
With 6 Different pressure Zones (+200m – (-200m).
+ Hertzelyia Water Municipality bureau - 80,000m – Water supply system for
urban area.
+ Peleg Hagalil Water Corporation – Water & Sewage system for urban towns (5,000 –10,000 habitants).
+ Hatanur Water Corporation – Water & Sewage system for urban towns
(5,000 –10,000 habitants).
+ My Golan Water Association – 50,000 Water pipe system for Agriculture and home uses.
Wastewater pumping stations:
+ Hatzor – 300 m3/h.
+ Gan Yavne – 2 Pumping stations – 1,000m3/h.
+ Emek Hefer – 3 Pumping stations – 500-800m3/h
+ Pardes Hana – Givat Ada – 660 m3/h.
+ 6 Agro Farm planning design of water supply systems.
And irrigation design for small scale farmers (0.5 – 1.0 Ha.)
Zair Province, Uige Province, Moxico Province, Malanje Province.
+ 9 Research Stations for Agronomic (IIA) and Veterinarian (IIV)
Cabinda, Nessosso, Lumbango, Huambo, Uige.
+ 50 Small scale villages – Fresh water supply system for drinkable water and
+ washing uses.
+ Fox dale court - 2 ha drip Lusaka.
+ State house 17 Ha – Water Supply system and landscape design.
+ Triple S 2,000 Ha. Center Pivots.
+ Kambusa farm 150 Ha. Drip irrigation.
+ ZNS – drip & pivot irrigation.
Engineering and Technical Support for Irrigation & Control
Systems in Asparagus plantations (1,000 Ha.) and Grape plantation
(300 Ha.).
2 Agro Farm planning design of Center Pivots (2000 Ha.)
Include Pumping Stations and Main Pipe System.
Great Britain
Engineering and Technical Support for Irrigation &
Control system in Strawberries farms (5.0 Ha. – 20.0 Ha.)
Engineering and Technical Support for Irrigation &
Control system (Almonds 1,200 Ha.).
Planning and construction of 4 irrigation projects for
With advanced irrigation Control techniques for food security in
the Northern Desert each project of 100 Ha. Corn + Alfalfa.
Congo DRC
Engineering of the N'Sele farm - The Government Farm.
Water supply system for whole farms users and irrigation
area with advanced irrigation Control techniques for
Small scale holder's private sector.
Engineering of the ADAMA Projects for 3 Villages of 100
House holders each village including water supply system, 300
Small scale Greenhouses 0.025 Ha. and 0.5 Ha. Open Field for
Coco Trees.
100 Ha. Of Coco plant for Coco Industry.